Saturday, August 21, 2010

Not my thing!

If you know me, you know I have rather unusual tastes in literature so it's sometimes difficult for me to connect with others who share my interests. I guess that Library Thing would be a useful tool for me to find like-minded readers but my initial searches were not very successful. As with all tools, I need to invest more time in understanding its features before jumping to any conclusions.

I do love the idea of sharing tags, ratings, comments and reviews of books online. I am a great fan of the relatively new BiblioCommons platform being adopted by more and more libraries. Users can connect with each other through their library catalogue by adding reviews, comments, ratings and tags to their own collections and by creating annotated lists. It can even include books not held by the hosting library as well as web sites. It adds a wonderful rich layer to searching that is not available in traditional catalogues. Plus, it allows users to organize their materials. If I hadn't already invested so much effort into organizing my books via BiblioCommons, I might give Library Thing more of my time. I may, however, consider using it for a specific area of my collection and will try a little harder to search for more materials with it.

Link to my Library Thing library:

Feed me!

RSS feeds are another of my favourite Web 2.0 tools. I love having updates sent to my reader without having to go to each site to see if anything has changed.

I subscribe to many RSS feeds. My favourites are Library Link of the Day (which I used to receive via email), Miss Information's blog, Arts & Letters Daily, Merriam-Webster Word of the Day and any of the numerous ones from Library Journal and School Library Journal.

For pure fun and interest, I also subscribe to Mathematical Fiction and Mathematics in Movies.

BlogLines is another reader that I use. It has a great collection of feeds to get you started. For someone working in libraryland like me, it was easy to start with their "Quick Pics" lists for "Books" (Guardian Unlimited Books, New York Times Book Review, Publishers Weekly Best Sellers, Books) and "Libraries" (, Library Stuff, Resource Shelf, Shifted Librarian). Once I got started, I removed the ones that weren't of interest to me and added others. (Look under "What interests you?" and then select "more" from the BlogLines introductory pages.)

I have shifted most of me feeds over to Google Reader as I'm experimenting with organizing all my tools in one location by adding gadgets to my iGoogle page. I love all these tools but hate having to go to so many sites to access them.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

PBWorks for me

I promised FlyForLess that I would bring the condiments for the hamburgers.  Although, if you've seen the size of the burger on his blog, you'll be correct in thinking I'll need a truck to supply enough!

I love PBWorks!  In fact, wikis and social bookmarking are probably my favourite Betty Blogger tools. I prefer wikis to blogs as they give more organizational options than the chronological format offered by blogs.  I

I've always wanted to run a Forest of Reading bookclub using a wiki, but I can envision many more applications for one as well.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Google Docs--Experiment 2

Copying and pasting Document Link from Google Docs:

In the example above, the URL does not appear as a hyperlink and therefore cannot take Library Lady to my Google Docs story.

In this example, the URL is now a hyperlink--hovering over it causes the cursor to change into the 'clicking hand' symbol.  Clicking on it will take Library Lady to my Google Docs story so she can read about my cooking disasters and give me credit for finishing Task 6.

Google Docs--Experiment 1

Copying and pasting the Embed code from Google Docs:

Monday, August 2, 2010

Persnickety Picasa

The tags that were assigned to the picture I sent to Library Lady were:  owls, cake and math.  Yes, I managed to find something of interest to me (math and owls) and to Betty (cake).

I'm not comfortable posting photos on the Internet even though I did experiment by embedding a slide show below using Picasa Web Albums.  I had a nasty experience last year when downloading Picasa 3 to my computer.  (In all fairness, it was my own fault for not reading ALL the instructions CAREFULLY.)

I do like looking at some of the pictures in Picasa, but I can also find them simply by searching Google Images.  (Picasa is a Google product so the public pictures appear in both Google Images and Picasa, although GI gives tons more to choose from.)

Keeping Up

This morning my kids and I were discussing the changing world of Facebook--both positive and negative.  They mentioned reading news articles about some changes and developments.  So just for fun, I did a quick Google News search and the following are just a few of the articles about Facebook from the last few days:
And least surprising of all... Time Spent on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Grows

'Keeping up with the Jones' takes on a whole new meaning in today's world of social networking!